Wound healing is a natural ability to restore health and respond to tissue injury. It is an intricate process where the skin (or another organ tissue) repairs itself after injury.
Understanding the Remarkable Journey of Wound Healing:-
1. Hemostasis Phase: This is the immediate response to injury. The main objective during this phase is to stop the bleeding. Blood vessels constrict to limit blood flow and platelets (blood components) gather to create a clot.
2. Inflammatory Phase: This phase begins right after the injury. The body increases blood flow to the area bringing white blood cells, antibodies, and other nutrients to the area to fight any potential infection and start the healing process.
3. Proliferative Phase: This phase involves the growth of new tissue to replace the damaged one. Fibroblasts (cells that produce collagen) play a key role in creating new skin.
4. Maturation Phase: This is the final phase where the new tissue strengthens and gains flexibility.
During the inflammation phase, Our products such as clean safe eye pads, skin staplers etc. defense mechanisms spring into action, orchestrating a series of events to protect against infection and initiate the healing process.
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